UNCH 2015 Nursing Annual Report - 4

Quality and Service


On the NDNQI quality measures, 81% of our

As the largest division in an enterprise in which

units met the stretch goal of performing in the

at least 50% of costs are salaries, Nursing's

top 25th percentile for skin care. Eighty-four

financial performance is critical to hospital

percent outperformed the benchmark mean for

success. The following outcomes reflect careful

percent of patients in limb or vest restraint, and

stewardship of the resources for which the

76% achieved the stretch goal of performing in

Nursing Division is responsible:

the top 25th percentile for this metric. More than
50% of units outperformed the NDNQI national
average benchmark for falls prevention. We
are contributing heavily to success in meeting
or exceeding organizational quality goals. As
one example, Nursing staff is very important
to maintaining 90% or higher compliance
with hand hygiene. Many thanks to the Quality

Budget Index


(Percent of budgeted expense
dollars spent)

(0.03% under



(Relationship between labor
and budgeted volumes)

(0.94% better
than target)

Council for all of their hard work and assistance
in meeting or exceeding these goals.
We are definitely achieving our goal of quality
We've continued to provide a very positive
experience for our patients and families. For

with economy.

Fiscal Year 2015, our Press Ganey score for


overall satisfaction is in the 77th percentile as

We continued to grow in Fiscal Year 2015:

compared to other hospitals of 600 beds or
more. Seventy-nine percent of our patients give

›› In December, a new 24-bed Medical

us an Overall HCAHPS rating of 9 or 10 on a

Progressive Care Unit (MPCU) opened on

10-point scale.

3 Bed Tower.

›› In May, the Medical Intensive Care Unit
began to expand into the adjacent 12 beds
vacated by MPCU to increase from an 18- to
a 30-bed unit.


L ette r f r om D r . T onges


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of UNCH 2015 Nursing Annual Report

UNCH 2015 Nursing Annual Report
A Letter From Dr. Mary C. Tonges
Magnet Stories
Transformational Leadership: Angela Overman and Kevin Brady
Structural Empowerment: Cristie Dangerfield
Exemplary Professional Practice: Lisa Alarcon
New Knowledge, Innovation and Improvements: Carla Jones
A Decade of Development
Staff Profiles
Michele Khoury
Hadley Kifner
Gina Burns
Nursing Staff Recognition Awards
Professional Accomplishments
Tribute to Dr. Mary C. Tonges

UNCH 2015 Nursing Annual Report
